Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Windows Live Mail - what a mess!

Right off my comments on Cnet -

Been trying this beta 'upgrade' on and off a few months now.

What a complete disaster Windows Live Mail, beta or not, is! What the heck is the MS team doing - nothing works on this piece of trash!

  1. Can't open an email easily,
  2. Can't open a link within,
  3. Can't update contacts,
  4. Can't delete an email, and
  5. Microsoft even threatens us ambigiously when we try to opt out of beta?! Just try opting out.
Besides they'll keep telling you they're working on the Classic Hotmail view, and that you should try LiveMail. It's confusing as both do not work. Oh, and it works supposedly on IE only, not Firefox. Another super-smart move from MS. Not.

I've anyway switched to Gmail a long time ago. I used Hotmail for 12 years and it became bad to worse to now unusable. Hotmail was already a usability disaster right from login to logout, and so is 'Live Mail' now.

Can MS get anything right?


Anonymous said...

I think there are many people that agree on Cnet and anyplace else. This was an alpha not a beta in effect.

Anonymous said...

Looks like you took the effort to join the 'beta'. If you dont like it opt-out!