Wednesday, February 25, 2009

'Unfortunate Names' =)

The moment I saw this article, I was reminded of several even more unfortunate names. Far more unfortunate.These were of India students back in the day at Syracuse. The expressions of landlords, nurses, university office staff were priceless when these newbies mentioned their names.

'Wait a minute, did you say your name is _____?'

From this piece:
'What do you call some of the most unlucky people in Britain?

Justin Case, Barb Dwyer and Stan Still.

It sounds like a bad joke, but a study has revealed that there really are unfortunate people with those names....'

Oh, they could do a lot worse; don't you think, Deepshita?


Dennis said...

There is always a funny name issue when you come from different countries. But when they sound like some English/or other language inappropriate word, it's unfortunate.

Anonymous said...

Indian Name Dixit in US pronounced as " Dick Shit" unfortunate..