Thursday, December 22, 2005

Mare Tranquillitatis

The Sea of Tranquillity. Though not exactly appropriate to what I'm about to write on.... it'll do.

I happened to go home yesterday, mid-morning, after an all-nighter at work. I liked the feel of my apartment in the daytime - 'twas quiet, loads of sunshine lit the place up, and nice cool weather made it feel just right.

Very peaceful. Tranquil. Isn't that one of the best sounding words in the English language?

Anyway, it was nice to watch Yes Prime Minister on dvd as I lay on the couch. Dozed off a bit soon after - was immediately transported faraway by myriad dreams, the kind that start immediately when you get intense sleep.

The doorbell never rang even once, none of the usual idiots at the door that ask about neighbors/do vacuum demos/are on the wrong floor but ring the bell anyway...

Good zzzzz..... why wake up when you can sleep on? I heard kids yelling down in the lawn, the dog (the one friendly with kids, but chased them) woofing... peace no more. Back to work.

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