Thursday, February 23, 2006

Metallica - Always The Same.

Why do all Metallica numbers sound the same? I mean the exact same, unlike what we call the typical sound of a band. We can recognize an Iron Maiden, Queensryche, or Oasis song with some familiar note, sure.

But Metallica is always the same - every single number. The same opening bars everytime, the same guitar riffs, the same roar by James Hetfield, and the same guttural wail at the end of every stanza. How repetitive and boring.

As a metal fan, I listen to a wide range of bands - past and present. However, I've never liked Metallica. Often times, when I mention heavy metal, the first thing I'm asked is 'Do you like Metallica?'. No, I don't.



Anonymous said...

In places like Banglore, anyone that wants to show s/he knows metal will say 'Metallica' and 'Enter Sandman'. Only then they think they're cool.

Anonymous said...

My be you have to check your ears. What world are you from????

Anonymous said...

After Cliff Burton passed away, Metallica was not Metallica anymore...