Anyone recall a 'Bryan Adams', former rock star? The one that was famous over a decade ago?
Well, he's still huge someplace else, long after North American audiences have forgotten him. Three concert tours in 4 years in India!
Wonder why he goes there so often. It seems like there's a Bryan Adams concert in Bangalore every year. Star starved audiences will keep attending, and they're promised acts like U2 every year. But who shows up? Bryan.
India is the only place that will pay for his tickets.
I mean Rs.1800 for a ticket -FUCK OFF! Let me put things in perspective - 40 USD (Rs. 1800) is the price i saw Pearl Jam for!!! and they ROCKED.
Bryans just makin hay while the sun sets on his rock
Brain Adams is good fun. He plays songs everyone knows and we get him for only Rs 275 + tax.
Here's my comment - what's your type speed? Seems to me everytime I reload, I see a new entry from vcat.
Brain adams is appreciated because Indian audiences dunno how to cheer at rockshows. He is still trying to get them to finish the lines in songs at shows, and they never respond.
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