Tuesday, January 03, 2006

New Year's Eve highlights

I know this is a couple days late. Been catching up on New Year's eve 'who said/did what after a few drinks' stories. All with a touch of exaggeration, but who cares.

True highlights though:
- My neighbor that had invited people to his place, but hung out at my place at our pre-party. In fact his guests, family and their drinks ended up at my apartment, until they realized who'd invited them in the first place.

- My friend told a guest that he'd 'beat her' if she didn't quit smoking. ;)

- Us returning home real quick to after-party cos the place we went to was a disaster.

- Tequila shots from 3am onward, cos some people didn't feel drunk enough.

So New Year's Eve 2006 won't be in my worst list ... refer to an earlier posting.

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